Training of technology intermediation-SIDa 2013
Training of technology intermediation for SIDa/Regional Innovation System initiated by the Assistant Deputy Science Small and Medium Industries (Asdep Iptek IKM) was held on December 9 to 13, 2013 at Widya Graha Bakti Puspiptek Serpong with the number of participants from 18 selected provinces across Indonesia. The activity was opened by Head of Control and Development with his co partner Head of Development Mapping. The reason of this technology intermediary specialized training is to address the needs perceived by the regions from national gathering of Intertek last September 2013, that in the regions there were lack of understanding about the technology intermediation activities that have been implemented in eight selected regions by intermediaries team who had been trained by the Ministry of Research and Technology.
RISTEK feels that technology intermediation deemed as one to support the acceleration of regional economic development in Indonesia. Therefore RISTEK trying to strengthen the technology-empowerment in the regions through technology intermediation activities. There is a gap between intermediaries-team and local staffs in the regions about implementation of the intermediary activities, and because of that Deputy Assistant Science Research and Technology for SMEs, as well as support from BTC-Network and BIC, and also guest speakers strive to provide the knowledge and experience of the intermediation technology by conducting this training.
Participants have gained during the early stage of this training an understanding of matter including the best practices surrounding the intermediation activities which have been escorted by RISTEK and partners. In addition, the participants have also received material about business models and entrepreneurship, which is considered to be very fundamental in the scope of work of technology intermediation in their respective regions. The response of the participants was fairly good and very motivating them to evolve and try to explore many potential things in their regions. The participants will continue the technology intermediation activities or they could even be a pioneer for the regions that have not yet conducted any technology intermediation.
On the last day of training, Secretary of the Ministry of Research and Technology was present, giving a brief exposure to motivate participants to develop future technology intermediation activities. During the day the participants also had the opportunity to plan business activity following the model according to the potential of each region in their presentation, as well as an opportunity for dialogue about their presentation in a discussion with a senior adviser for technology transfer and business development from BTC, senior business consultant from BIC and two other judges from RISTEK.
This training is considered also as a first step for further training in Germany, where the participants will have the opportunity to deepen the knowledge of intermediation as well as an opportunity to carry out work practices that can be applied in each regions. (btc-n)
National Gathering of Intertek 2013
Ministry of Research and Technology (RISTEK) has organized a national gathering activities intermediaries Technology (Intertek) which was held at Graha Widya Puspiptek Serpong on 11-12 September 2013. In an effort to accelerate the process of technology transfer in the region, RISTEK has placed Intertek-teams since early 2012 in several R & D institutions (Balitbangda and Bappeda) in the eight-point spread in Indonesia. Intertek main task is to carry out intermediation technology based on potential areas for strengthening the competitiveness of the Regional Innovation System (SIDa). The duties and functions are executed Intertek include:
• Looking for the needs of industrial technology in the area
• Offering new technology to the industry in the region
• Consultancy business development
• Consult product development
• Assist local governments in the growth of new technology-based industries
• Help facilitate communication between stakeholders in the region to strengthen SIDA
This first national gathering aimed at the evaluation of technology intermediation activities and also to get the input, feedbacks for the sustainability of technological intermediation activities in the area, both in national and regional level.
Based on the results of the Intertek and their host organizations in the regions, it was concluded that the intermediation activity had a positive impact in the area of science and technology diffusion. The formulation is derived from the activities of this national gathering are:
• The role of Intertek is needed and beneficial to the regions
• A revision of duties and roles Intertek Intertek at the meso level must be clarified, to overcome "gap" that occurs between the stakeholders in the region and the central
• Need to increase coordination between research and technology, regional and Intertek
• Increasing the number of Intertek-teams
• As well as other details need discussion related intermediation activities
In addition to a role in the diffusion of science and technology, intermediation activities also become one of the tools to explore the potential of human ressources in the area science and technology. Strengthening human resources in science and technology is a necessity to create an independent state. (btc-n)
Buku panduan BTC (Bahasa)
2012 - BTC Intertek (Bahasa)
2013 - BTC Intertek (Bahasa)